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She helped me get to the bathroom, and when I was standing over the toilet, she finally said something about my nudity.“Wow, it’s so big.” She said. “Is it always like this when it’s hard?” She asked as she took it in her hand and aimed it.“Pretty much,” I said as I relaxed and started to piss.“No wonder Sarah and Holly like you so much. You’ve got a nice body and a giant penis.” Lauren cooed.“Thanks,” I said as my piss slowly petered out. “Do you wipe? Or what? I’m not sure how guys do this… to be honest, it’s my first time seeing one that wasn’t attached to a toddler.” Lauren asked.“Brisk shake,” I said. Lauren shook the droplets out of my cock, then flushed the toilet before helping me to the sink, where she washed her hands. She then helped me back to the living room. She helped me lay down on the couch again and stared at my cock for a minute or so before offering the light sheet to cover my body. I didn’t take it from her at first.“It’s still hard.” She cooed. “If you wanna. We made short work of the pizza and talked while we ate. Pearl was smart and seemed to be a caring person. I found her easy to talk with, easy to look at, too. I touched her a few times to test her attitude about what she'd seen, but she offered no insight because her attitude was now focused otherwise, principally on me."I'm sorry about Sandy, Josh. She must be devastated," Pearl said as she started to clean up the dinner mess.I quickly scanned her emotions looking for doubt. Yes! Doubt was still present."I don't know who's in worse shape, Sandy or my mother. My house has been a war zone the last month or so." I told Pearl about how my father had demanded drug testing for Sandy because of my parents' perceived change in her behavior."Her behavior hadn't changed, Pearl. What changed was the fact that my parents finally understood how she truly felt."Then, I told Pearl how Sandy had willingly submitted to the drug test, but then decided the situation at home had become too.
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